Monday, January 09, 2006

Weekend Update

Joshua and Abby are both improving and we think they are on the road to recovery. They will still be on antibiotics through the rest of the week, and following that they can resume their milk feedings.

From the test results, it seems that the weakening that produced the NEC was the result of a bacterial infection that was in their bloodstream. The antibiotics will take care of that.

Josh looks more alert and seems to be getting back to his old self. After a full day off the ventilator, his breathing is stabilizing with much fewer bradies. He woke up for us while we visited and was looking around and listening to us.

Abby was feisty from the start. She kicked around a lot. She decided that she had enough of the ventilator yesterday and pulled it out herself. Her breathing had been consistent enough to leave her off, and she has had few bradies since. Abby was awake for us too for little while, and Christine was even able to hold her for a few minutes.

Babies are fragile creatures, but it is also amazing how resilient they can be. They are fighters. We give thanks to God for His grace and protection, and we pray that they continue to grow healthy and strong.


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