Thursday, November 17, 2005

Our Dear Isaac

We got more updates on Isaac. His vitals dropped once late this afternoon, and it took the doctors about an hour to get his oxygen saturation back up and stable. It seems that there are some leaks in his lungs that allow air to collect in places it shouldn't, so they put him on a different special high-speed ventilator that won't stress his lungs as much while it delivers 500 breaths per minute. There is also some thickening of an area of his heart.

Although we are in no way sure about this, there may be some evidence that Isaac and Matthew or their placentas were somehow interacting in the womb, and that Isaac may have been dealing with stressful development due to this for quite some time because he had to work extra hard.

Anyway, while we are very concerned for him, there is a lot of room for hope for a full recovery. Over the next several days, it will be important to see steady improvement. We pray for this, and we know that God is faithful to hear our prayers. He works every circumstance to the good of those that love Him.


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